During our recent election process for the 2025-2026 CAMA Board of Directors, two vacancies were available: one representing Alberta and one representing Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
In accordance with the requirements of the CAMA by-laws, the 2025 Nominating Committee has received the following nominations for the positions of Alberta and Manitoba & Saskatchewan, that are available on the CAMA Board of Directors for the 2025-2026 year.
To view the bios of the candidates and learn more about why they are interested in serving on the Board, simply click on their names listed below.

- Stacey Wabick, Chief Administrative Officer, Municipal District of Greenview, AB
- Travis Peter, Chief Administrative Officer, Sturgeon County, AB
- Troy Fleming, City Manager, City of Fort Saskatchewan, AB
- Ann Mitchell, City Manager, City of Medicine Hat, AB

- Shawna LeBlanc, Chief Administrative Officer, Rural Municipality of Elton, MB
- Duane Nicol, Chief Administrative Officer, City of Selkirk, MB
An election for these two positions on the Board of Directors is therefore required. Voting will take place commencing on Monday, May 5th, 2025 at 8:30 a.m. AST and finishing on Friday, May 9th, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. PST.
CAMA is a national organization and when elections are held, every Regular Member, regardless of the Province or Territory you work in, votes for the candidate of your choice in each respective jurisdiction. You are therefore eligible to vote for one nominee for Alberta and one nominee for the Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Further information regarding the procedures for voting will be distributed electronically to all CAMA members eligible to vote, prior to the commencement of the voting period.
Please also note that only Regular CAMA members in good standing with membership fees paid for the current fiscal year (April 1st, 2025 to March 31st, 2026) will be eligible to vote.
Bev Hendry
CAMA Past President/
Chair of Nominating Committee
The election of the CAMA Board of Directors is governed by an e-voting process. Should a member wish to stand for election for an available position on the Board they must complete a nomination form.
The CAMA Board of Directors shall be comprised of eleven (11) Regular Members who are elected by the membership. The Immediate Past-President shall serve on the Board of Directors and shall have voting privileges. The eleven (11) elected Members of the Board of Directors shall be regionally represented as follows:
British Columbia | 1 Member |
Alberta | 1 Member |
Manitoba & Saskatchewan | 1 Member |
Ontario | 1 Member |
Quebec | 1 Member |
New Brunswick | 1 Member |
Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island | 1 Member |
Newfoundland & Labrador | 1 Member |
Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory & Nunavut | 1 Member |
Member-At-Large (Municipalities with Population Under 100,000 | 1 Member |
Member-At-Large (Municipalities with Population Over 100,000 | 1 Member |
Elections are only held for positions on the Board when there is a vacancy as highlighted.
The Nominating Committee shall appoint the Executive consisting of the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President and Treasurer from among the members of the Board of Directors.
Elected members of the Board of Directors shall serve for a four (4) year term except where the member is to serve as the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Treasurer or Immediate Past President. After an absence from the Board of Directors for a period of two consecutive years, members who have previously served shall again be eligible for office. The term of office of directors shall commence immediately following the CAMA Annual General Meeting being held on May 27, 2025, at which time they are elected, and shall conclude upon the election of their successors.