Recognizing the importance of developing and managing the workforce for municipal administrators, CAMA developed a Human Resources Toolkit which is available by visiting the Member's Section of the CAMA website.
This toolkit is meant to be a resource to support Chief Administrative Officers, direct reports and managers working in local government for all size populations and municipalities with or without a Human Resources Department. It is designed to provide information regarding several different human resource topics with support through samples and links across the country. CAMA hopes that this toolkit will become a valuable resource to support CAO’s and their senior management teams.
The Toolkit offers information on leadership and building a successful team, recruitment and hiring practices, employee and labour relations, compensation and benefits, correction and discipline, development and training, promotion, health and wellness, performance management, human resource information system, policies and metrics and equity, diversity and inclusion - just to name a few. It also has over 200 best practices, policies and templates for your easy reference.
While the information in this toolkit has been researched across Canada, it is important to check the information with your Provincial or Territorial legislation to ensure alignment. It is meant to be a guide, not specific advice due to the complexity and uniqueness of many human resource situations, therefore this is not meant to be a replacement for sound legal advice.