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The Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators is a national, non-profit association open to all Chief Administrative Officers/City Managers and any person employed in a senior management position that reports directly to the CAO.

CAMA has a membership of 900 City Managers, Chief Administrative Officers and Senior Appointed Officials from all parts of Canada.



CAMA is a network of professionals employed in senior management positions in Canadian municipalities.  The Association is a private, not-for-profit, national corporation in which membership is voluntary.  Most CAMA members hold membership in a variety of professional associations and are governed by their respective provincial bodies.  CAMA is not a certification or accreditation body.

CAMA’s expectation is that each of its members will consistently demonstrate the competencies of their professions in serving their municipalities; and, that they will maintain the highest standards of accountability and professional integrity.

Building upon that professional base, CAMA’s primary role is to champion excellence in municipal administration by providing its members with opportunities to grow and develop their personal knowledge and skills in best serving the public; and, to assist members with building a culture of service within their municipal corporations based on the values outlined in CAMA’s Strategic Plan.

To fulfil its role, CAMA provides its members with networking and professional development opportunities and resources to enhance their proficiency in municipal leadership and management. Sharing of innovative and best practices are integral components of CAMA’s mission.  To help achieve that mission it is expected that members will take advantage of networking opportunities and will actively participate in professional development events hosted or supported by CAMA.

The ultimate goal is the enrichment of the municipal public service and the quality of life of our citizens.  This can be achieved when members are forthright and provide sound advice to public policy makers; when they exhibit honour and integrity in their public and personal relationships; and, when they respect diversity and inclusivity in their decision making.

In the final analysis, it is CAMA’s desire that each of its members shall have a public service career characterized by wisdom and integrity.



CAMA has selected the Canadian Mental Health Association as our designated charity, in honour of the late Janice Bantle (wife of Past President Ron Shaw).

CMHA promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness.  The CMHA accomplishes this mission through advocacy, education, research and service.

 If you wish to make a donation to the CMHA visit their website.

Building better municipalities together.

Learn About Cama Membership