I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to the Alliance for Innovation and encourage you to take advantage of the Alliance’s new partnership with CAMA.
The Alliance is specifically focused on research around the next Big Ideas and best practices in local government. In strengthening and supporting the two Associations, the Alliance for Innovation, is offering a special discount to all CAMA members. Alliance membership complements CAMA membership and offers additional learning resources for your entire organization.
Depending on your municipality’s needs you may choose from one of these two options:
- 30% off the first year of membership, or
- 15 months of membership for the price of the first 12 months.
Membership in the Alliance is beneficial to communities of all sizes. Alliance membership rates are based on the size of your community, as determined by the 2016 Canadian population census. Here is a table below of the US rates with approximate Canadian exchange and the 30% discount:
View some of the benefits of Alliance membership. If you are interested in this opportunity call 1-888-496-0944 or e-mail join@transformgov.org
Population | USD Rate | Canadian Rate | Canadian 30% Discounted Rate |
0 - 10,000 | $1020 | $1305 | $914 |
10,000 - 25,000 | $1860 | $2400 | $1680 |
25,000 - 50,000 | $2550 | $3263 | $2284 |
50,000 - 75,000 | $3980 | $5092 | $3565 |
75,000 - 100,000 | $5100 | $6525 | $4568 |
100,000 - 250,000 | $7650 | $9788 | $6852 |
250,000 - 750,000 | $8250 | $10,555 | $7389 |
750,000+ | $9000 | $11,515 | $8061 |
“Municipal government requires strong teams, vast knowledge & skills and innovative leadership. Alliance for Innovation provides a place to discover, share and grow… Like all good things, innovation takes effort. Innovating together makes us better! I strongly recommend that CAMA members also considering joining the Alliance for Innovation.”
-Garth Sherwin, City Manager, Lethbridge, Alberta, Innovation Academy Class of 2016
Thanks so much for your consideration!
Janice Baker
CAMA President